Sorry, we're offline for maintenance right now
The Finch service you are accessing is scheduled for maintenance between the hours of:
10.25pm GMT Tuesday 26th November 2024 – 11.30pm GMT Tuesday 26th November 2024
We apologize for the inconvenience.
What is Finch?
Finch is software which allows you to securely communicate with companies. It can be used to help you:
- Provide your data more securely
- Send a copy of your ID
- Electronically sign documents and agreements
- Make payments
Companies can enclose links to Finch directly in their emails, or sometimes they will tell you that you will receive an email from Finch separately.
The Finch service the company has directed you to is currently scheduled for maintenance. During the maintenance of the service, sometimes we need to take it offline. Finch apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
If you are reading this screen, our engineers are actively working on the service and thank you for your patience. Finch may not be offline for the entirety of the scheduled maintenance window, depending on how quickly our work is completed, so you may be able to access the service sooner than advertised above.
To retry, please simply press the link you have received again in your email. This page will appear if we’re still offline, otherwise, you will be automatically directed to the service you require.